La Petite Academy of Pleasanton

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5725 Valley Avenue, Pleasanton, CA, 94566, US

Phone: (877) 271-6466


Program Times
Open Monday-Friday from 6:30am to 6:30pm.
Fees and Tuition
Please contact the school directly for specifics on our fee structure.
Enrollment Information
Enrollment depends on a number of factors - the classroom and age group varies depending on when a child is moving up into the next age group or a family no longer attends.
Please contact the school with information on your child's age so we can help assist you on whether or not we have space.
There is always an enrollment list or wait-list available.
Teacher to Student Ratio
Infants - 1:4
Toddlers - 1:4
Two's - 1:9
Early Preschool - 1:12
Preschool - 1:12
PreK - 1:12
School Age - 1:14
Special Programs
To those working parents, we provide transportation to a select number of elementary schools in our area. We also provide pick-up from those same schools.
For those children in our center all day, we provide a few extra curricular activities including Tuff Tumblers every Wednesday & Mini Kickers every Monday.
Meals Provided By
Breakfast: School
Morning Snack: School
Lunch: School
Afternoon Snack: School


I'm a first time mom, but this place checked off all the boxes for us (state certified, regular communication with parents, covid safe). Our four month was only there for a little over a month, but we would have stayed longer if we could! I took too long deciding, so we were only able to have our baby go during the interim of when the new babies were starting. They strictly follow state guidelines on infant to caretaker ratio and require certifications for new teachers. We were hopeful they would find someone in time, but we knew eventually we'd have to pick someplace closer to our home because my husband is deploying later this year.

They use brightwheel to send photos and communicate diaper changes, feedings, naps and Watch Me Grow to see real time video inside the classroom. I would regularly share the Brightwheel photos with my friends/family and she was always so happy looking! It was obvious she was enjoying her time there.

The only caveat is that it is expensive, but still cheaper than a nanny. And they still did plenty of one-on-one time with her and the other babies as well. Our baby who never took a bottle started downing 3-4oz of 2-3 bottles. She also would only contact nap with us, and she slept on her own in a crib there. It was well worth the $$ in my opinion!

— Vanessa M.

La Petite is outstanding. Everyday I am so impressed by the level of professionalism and love each teacher shares with all the children. All the teachers are passionate in providing a stimulating and loving environment.

I'm a new mom who desperately did not want to miss a minute of my daughters life. In February La Petite launched an app for my phone that keeps me up to date on everything (pictures of her having fun, activities she is doing, sleeping, diapers and eating) throughout the day. It gives me such a peace of mind knowing what is happening with her throughout the day.

Best of all, I have not struggled to have my daughters go to her teachers when I go to leave and she almost always greets me with excitement and a smile. Now that she is 13 months she points out the art she did during the day when I pick her up. It makes my entire day that she not only (yes, 13 months) takes pride in her work but, she has been provided such a stimulating environment that her development has been exceptional.

I wanted to write this review for all the new mom's scared about daycare. A year ago I found La Petite after a miserable aupair experience. As a new mommy I was terrified as I went through my day care options. Until the day I found La Petite. Shaina the Director was professional and a mom who demonstrated she understood my fear. I knew right away that I knew my daughter would not only be well cared for but in a loving environment. My daughter thrives at la petite. As an only child she has family there. La Petite is a wonderful place for any family. It is pricey but, every dime is worth my peace of mind and the happiness I see in my daughter each day.

— Angie T.

This is such a great place to bring your kids. As a mother you know right away if you feel safe and trust the people around you that this is the place to bring your child. The teachers are so awesome and so positive I'm very thankful I found this place!!

— L L.

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